At the time of year when your garden is overflowing with fresh fruit and crisp vegetables, you obviously don’t want them to go bad. But what do you do when you can’t keep up with abundance or when you just bought too much at the shop? The answer is simple: freeze it!
Freezing fruit and vegetables is a great way to preserve their freshness and enjoy them all year round. With the right techniques, you can preserve the flavour and nutrients of your favourite produce, and even save space in your pantry. Let’s see how best to go about this.
Tips for freezing fruit and vegetables
- Choose the right products. Not all fruit and vegetables are suitable for freezing. In general, vegetables and fruits with a high water content, such as berries, apples, broccoli, and spinach, lend themselves well to freezing. On the other hand, vegetables with a high water content, such as lettuce and cucumber, are less suitable.
- Preparation is key. Wash and cut your fruit and vegetables before freezing them. Remove any damaged parts and dry them well to remove excess moisture.
- Blanch to preserve flavour and texture. Some vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots and peas, should be briefly blanched before freezing. This process helps preserve the colour, flavour and texture of the vegetables.
- Use suitable packaging. Invest in good quality freezer bags or trays to store your fruits and vegetables in. Make sure you remove the air from the containers before sealing them to avoid freezer burn.
- Label and date. Make sure you label the packages with their contents and the date you froze them. This way, you can easily keep track of what’s in your freezer and when it’s time to use them.

Which fruits and vegetables can you freeze?
Here is a list of some fruits and vegetables that lend themselves well to freezing:
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Peas
- Spinach
- Peppers
- Courgette
- Pumpkin


- Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
- Appels
- Peaches
- Bananas (peeled and sliced)
- Mango
- Pineapple
- Grapes (halved)
Which fruit and vegetables are better not to freeze?
Not all fruits and vegetables retain their quality well after freezing. Here are some that are better consumed fresh:
- Lettuce
- Cucumber
- Tomatoes (get mushy)
- Citrus fruits (they lose their texture and become bitter)
Freezing fruit and vegetables is a great way to preserve the freshness of your harvest and ensure you can enjoy your favourite produce all year round. With the right techniques and storage, even the most delicate fruits and vegetables can retain their flavour and nutrients. So, get started and fill your freezer with the bounty of the season! Getting started in the garden yourself? Then be sure to read our tips for creating and maintaining your own vegetable garden!